The Flatwoods monster is based on West Virginia folklore. is a reliable and cheap store for you. For instance, there are two very different descriptions of the Flatwoods Monster. ... None of the creatures spotted in Fallout 76 quite match that description, but frankly, could anything? Their car came to a sudden stop and refused to start again. Once in a fight, just keep moving and circling until it reappears (it ought to, anyway). The Flatwoods Monster (also known as the Braxton County Monster, Braxxie (by locals), or Frametown Monster) is a cryptid sighted in the forests of Flatwoods, West Virginia and Frametown, West Virginia, respectively. From the waist up, however, the other being a reptilian humanoid. User Info: SirMike. ". Notice. While various Fallout games have played host to a lot of mutated creatures, Fallout 76 is the first to have Cryptids – creatures from legend and folklore. You can check the image above to see what this monster looks like. More images View more from uploader. Creatures are animals, humans, and their mutated counterparts encountered in Appalachia and surrounding areas.Some animals in Appalachia can be tamed through the use of Animal Friend and Wasteland Whisperer.As a general rule, creatures of yao guai or angler size and larger will not enter buildings. This could possibly be a reptilian version of the Flatwoods Monster, only without the skirt-like structure around its waist. A farmer then noticed two small lights over to the left of the object, and directed his flashlight towards them, revealing the creature, which was reported to have emitted a shrill hissing noise before gliding towards them, changing direction and then heading off towards the red light. More images View more from uploader. For Fallout 76 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Flatwoods Monster? We have folks coming from all over,” said Andrew Smith, founder of the Flatwoods Monster Museum. Thus far, new monsters have only been identified due to gameplay footage included in … I believe the implementation of doublesided wallpapered walls won't take much time either. • A video game that features places and things in West Virginia called “Fallout 76”, has renewed interest in the Flatwoods Monster. The Flatwoods monster in the video game Amagon. Some, like the Grafton Monster, are FEV mutants like many Fallout creatures, while Mothman, on the other hand, is real and exists in Fallout. Generally speaking, big news (for instance, supposedly seeing a horrifying creature in the woods) travels quickly in small communities. People visit the museum as part of a “Fallout Tour,” where they visit places featured in the game. The surroundings of Johnson's Acre, Top of the World, and the Converted Munitions Factory public Workshop. Use this guide page for "Mythical Flatwoods Monster" to get details on level, faction, perks, aggression, possible loot drops and location spawn areas on Fallout 76. For Fallout 76 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Flatwoods Monster? It was single-handedly one of the most entertaining things I've witnessed in my hundreds of hours playing Fallout 76. Near and around Abbie's Bunker in the Mire region to the northeast of Appalachia. The couple, circling the vehicle in hopes of spotting the culprit, spotted something far worse than they could have imagined. It was later revealed that the tracks were likely to have been those of a Chevrolet pickup truck driven by a local, who had gone to the site to look for the creature some hours prior to Stewert's discovery. (ft. Tenebrous Jim). Flatwoods Monster. The Flatwoods Monster (Fallout 76) "Them" (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) The Flatwoods Monster (West Virginia Folklore) Flatwoods (Valkyrie Crusade) Gallery "They" (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) are a number of enigmatic entities that invade the Romani Ranch every year, two days before the Carnival of Time. They also gathered a statement from the mother of the local farmer, in which she said that, at the approximate time of the crash, her house had been violently shaken and her radio had cut out for 45 minutes, and a report from the director of the local Board of Education in which he claimed to have seen a flying saucer taking off at 6:30 on the morning of September 13th (the morning after the creature was sighted). The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. If they return, they will retreat if attacked with ranged weapons from the doorway. West Virginia is the rich setting of Fallout 76, and it’s rife with folklore.Urban legends dating back centuries inspire this online RPG’s monster roster, which includes Bethesda’s unique takes on the Mothman, the Snallygaster, and a headless giant seal thing that some journalist in the ‘60s definitely saw, 100%, no doubt about it. In the XBLA game Happy Wars, there is a weapon called The Flatwoods Monster. It can spawn along the Mothman the Mays with an illustration of the monster In fact, variations on some of the creatures mentioned in those tales have already been confirmed to appear in Fallout 76. The Mythical Flatwoods Monster is an enemy in Fallout 76. It had a 'cowl' in the shape of an ace of spades behind a red round head. In the Fallout 76 game set in Appalachia, there is a cryptid enemy known as the, Two Flatwoods Monsters appears on the cover of the album. Added on 27 April 2019 11:49PM. It appeared to be some sort of robotic suit or spacecraft rather than an organic being. farm to try to find whatever it was that the boys had seen. ... None of the creatures spotted in Fallout 76 quite match that description, but frankly, could anything? This creature, thought to be the same creature sighted in Flatwoods, is known as the Frametown Monster. The object came to rest on land belonging to a local farmer. Most state the monster was armless, while others claim it possessed small, "toy-like" arms. A Mythical Flatwoods Monster in Fallout 76. Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster. The existence of arms is a similar matter. The reptilian version of the Flatwoods Monster. The use of this Website constitutes the acceptance of the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Flatwoods Monster, also known as Braxton County Monster or Phantom of Flatwoodsis, a famous UFO-related cryptid that, while not necessarily violent in the sense of wishing deliberate harm on others, is noted for being a creature that (supposedly) caused danger to those it encountered. More locations where you can encounter the Flatwoods monster are found in Fallout 76's Savage Divide region. My VATS-pistols guy got ambushed by the Flatwoods Monster on the Mire side of the Savage Divide mountain range, causing me to have to kite the thing that was roughly 20 levels higher than me around a smallish ledge. That's awesome!! - Part 1, which references local lore about the Flatwoods Monster. It appearns is close to an alien, his head is covered by purple spherical helmet, he has no visible legs and often teleports in battle. Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster. Where is the Purveyor in Fallout 76 Wastelanders. 100% safe recharge service promised for currencies and accounts. Contact Our Online Support for Help if You Have Any Questions About Our Store or Products. ". I had no idea that they had the Flatwoods Monster in the new Fallout Game!! The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask features creatures referred to as "Them" invading Romani Ranch in a UFO. Although there's no way to guarantee encountering a Flatwoods Monster, there are some locationswhere they seem to spawn more reliably. The hovering monster was described as being ten feet tall with a green body and clawed hands, as well as a red face, glowing yellow eyes and a head shaped like an \"ace of spades.\" Flatwoods Monster, are hard to defeat, as they can can teleport and regenerate large amounts of health. Workdays. During the evening hours, a group of seven, among which one adult and one 17-year old member of the National Guard, went to investigate a bright object that had been seen falling from the sky. Flatwoods is one of the Locations within the The Forest region in Fallout 76 (FO76).Players can access locations by progressing in the game's story and as part of Side Quests.Some Locations are seemingly inconsequential, but can reward players with special Equipment and Items.. Flatwoods was a pretty run-of-the-mill town before the great war. From there, the boys and a group of locals went to the. One of the players had sent me a friend request at some point, of course I accepted. This user's image description contains 29 images. The surroundings of Johnson's Acre, Top of the World, and the Converted Munitions Factory public Workshop. There are plenty of strange, scary creatures in Fallout 76, but the Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster might just take the biscuit. Contents. FLATWOODS, W.Va. – On September 12 in 1952, a family in Flatwoods said they were visited by an alien spacecraft. Like the Mothman, the Beast of Grafton … Endorsements. Uploaded by JKR. 1 year ago. One of the locals dog ran ahead out of sight and started barking, and moments later ran back to the group with its tail between its legs. Can teleport. 2. If you like to play video games, you’ve heard of Fallout 76. The sheriff and his deputy searched the area separately, but found no trace of the encounter. The tavern has two floors, with a large cooking area established in the adjacent parking lot where Rev. 0 comments Forum thread; VORTEX. All rights reserved, How To Farm XP And Level Up Fast In Apex Legends Battle Pass Season One, Fallout 76 Money Guide: How to get Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, Fallout 76 Is Getting a New Battle Royale Map: Morgantown, Fallout 76 Nuke Codes for 12.03.2019 – 18.03.2019 Have Been Solved Now, First Glitch of Fallout 76 After For Sale With Xbox One Console. Once they saw the thing land, the boys went to one of their moms houses, where they reported seeing a, crash land in the hills. The Beast of Grafton has been spotted in Fallout 76 gameplay and named in the magazines that can be found in-game. Flatwoods Monster and Mothman in Tomodachi Life. Reliable Online Game Currency & Money Seller - Safe & Cheap & Quick. A purple space helmet … Discrepancies exist in the actual color of the armour, some claiming it to be black while others saying green. It is believed to be of extraterrestrial nature. If you're adventuring through Appalachia, you might also want to check out our Fallout 76 Nuke Codes and Flatwoods Monster guides. Early the next morning, the reporter visited the site of the encounter for a second time and discovered two tracks in the mud, as well as traces of a thick black liquid. Visiting My Camp . The Flatwoods Monster is the Hardest Enemy to Find in Fallout 76 Matt Morgans 2 years ago Of all of the enemies in Fallout 76, it is the game’s cryptids which are the toughest to track down; enemies like the Mothman and Wendigo can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look. Published on the 8th of Oct 2018 at 19. That's awesome!! North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, Creatures and Beings of China Folklore and Lower Mythology, Cumberland Spaceman (Solway Firth Spaceman), Pterosaurs and Pterodactyls in Cryptozoology, The Buru, Giant Lizards and Giant Crocodiles, The Death Dealing Tree of the Phillippines, The Mysterious Giant Snake Of North-Africa, Titanoboa and largest snakes of the world, The Flatwoods is a town in the south central area of Appalachia. However, it can be killed, if you master some tricks. For more news and guides on Fallout 76, stay tuned to, a pro online in-game currency store. , on Destination America, the AIMS team goes to Braxton County, West Virginia to investigate a similar cryptid, the Shadow Creature. Copyright © 2010-2020, SirMike 4 months ago #11. Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster is a creature found in West Virginia. And my, what a unique design as well! Image information. Uneaten meat and vegetables will spoil over time and then have a greater chance of causing disease ( Iron Stomach perk can reduce this chance significantly). Review Fallout 76: Wastelanders 2020-04-17; It will emit a strange hiss sound when it flat towards you. There’s a new NPC named Storyteller Settler or something... if you talk to him he’ll tell you conspiracy stories about Flatwoods Monster abductions and then the monster itself appears. That's all you need to know to fight a Flatwoods monster in Fallout 76. 77 6 804 (1 Today) ... Oh wow! In the woods to the west of Wilson Brother's Auto Repair towards the middle of Appalachia. 179. ↑ West Tek Research Center terminals: "Report: Test Subject AM53" ↑ Grafton Monster characteristics. EDIT 2: By the way, I played a lot of Oregon Trail back in the day, which is what helped inspire my base design. Fallout 76 ; Images ; Misc ; Flatwoods Monster; Flatwoods Monster. The Flatwoods monster was encountered by Fred and Edward May and their friend Tommy Hyer, who claimed to have encountered an alien creature after investigating a mysterious light that flew across the sky and appeared to have landed in the woods. Finding this monster can be extremely rare, and it spawns as a random event. The Flatwoods Monster. It can spawn as the encryptid for the Queen of the Hunt daily. At this point the group fled in panic. I have over 600 hours combined on two accounts and only just the other day finally saw the pied piper eyebot and its rats. Unique cryptids like the Mothman and Wendigo are incredibly rare and hard to find if you don't know where to look, especially the mysterious Flatwoods Monster. More images View more from uploader. The Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster. ↑ Fallout 76 loading screen hints ↑ Return Anna's locket. He immediately reported them as being possible signs of a saucer landing based on the premise that the area had not been subjected to traffic for at least a year. Notable examples include: Painting based on the witness' descriptions, The Flatwoods Monster from The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask, The Flatwoods Monster Forms (1952) - The Flatwoods Monster Forms (2002), The Flatwoods Monster Drawn by Tropicalcyclone1, Flatwoods Monster from Ninja Baseball Batman, The Flatwoods Monster as potrayed in the Popular and arguably awful game Fallout 76. The known locations of the Flatwoods Monster in Fallout 76 are as follows: Near and around Abbie's Bunker in the Mire region to the northeast of Appalachia. You'll encounter one near Abbie's Bunker in The Mire, as well as near Southhampton Estate. If you like to play video games, you’ve heard of Fallout 76. During our play session of Fallout 76 we were treated to a rare encounter indeed as we found the Flatwoods Monster. Buy FH4 Credits, FIFA 19 Coins, WoW Gold, Dofus Kamas, Maple Story M Mesos? Cryptid Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Some, like the Grafton Monster, are FEV mutants like many Fallout creatures, while Mothman, on the other hand, is real and exists in Fallout. Fallout 76’s Main Theme Trailer, Killing a Scorchbeast and the Flatwoods Monster Gameplay. Set in the head were two eyes, described as 'portholes', glowing green-orange and the size of half-dollars.The 'body' was a metallic armored structure lined with thick vertical pipes. Because of this, people often want to be involved in the news for a chance in the spotlight. - Part 1, which references local lore about the Flatwoods Monster. • A video game that features places and things in West Virginia called “Fallout 76”, has renewed interest in the Flatwoods Monster. Related texts. 77 6 804 (1 Today) ... Oh wow! The Monster is a floating, highly mobile creature capable of healing allies, cloaking, and toting a pair of high end lasers. FLATWOODS, W.Va. – On September 12 in 1952, a family in Flatwoods said they were visited by an alien spacecraft. Added on 10 October 2019 7:09AM. Fallout 76; Flatwoods Monster? The entity was initially reported as being about 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Avoid its laser fire and open fire every time it reappears. The object came to rest on land belonging to a local farmer. It appeared to be some sort of robotic suit or spacecraft rather than an organic being. However, there are places (and quests) you can try to encounter them. 939. Use this guide page for "Flatwoods Monster" to get details on level, faction, perks, aggression, possible loot drops and location spawn areas on Fallout 76. Jason Burns, a storyteller who specializes in paranormal stories in West Virginia, told the story of what happened that […] 30. Flatwoods is one of the Locations within the The Forest region in Fallout 76 (FO76).Players can access locations by progressing in the game's story and as part of Side Quests.Some Locations are seemingly inconsequential, but can reward players with special Equipment and Items.. Flatwoods was a pretty run-of-the-mill town before the great war. Our Fast Delivery Ensures The Customers Get Their Purchase As Soon As We Can. 1 Strategy Guide/Tips; 2 Trivia; 3 Variations; 4 Locations; 5 Gallery; Strategy Guide/Tips . Uploaded by prodlimen. The difference between Fallout 76 and other titles is that the blueprints required to build interesting C.A.M.P.s (as they're called in game) are ultimately tied to its wasteland-survivor gameplay. Of course, aliens are already canon in the Fallout setting, but this being appears to be a different kind of alien to those which appeared in Fallout 3’s DLC or as an Easter egg in both Fallout 4 and 76. Total views. In the 3DS game Tomodachi Life, the Flatwoods Monster makes an appearance along with other cryptids in the Mystery Interior. These accounts included the story of a mother and her 21 year-old-daughter, who claimed to have encountered a creature with the same appearance and odor a week prior to the September 12 incident; the encounter reportedly affected the daughter so badly that she was confined to a hospital for three weeks. If you happen to come across a non-hostile Flatwoods Monster, you likely won't be able to damage it, as it will teleport away as soon as you get near or fire a shot. Fallout 76's Appalachia is home to a few different Cryptids, and, as you can probably tell, they're not always fond of sharing spawn locations. Endorsements. That mysterious night became national–and eventually international–news that put Braxton County, West Virginia on the map. Thus far, new monsters have only been identified due to gameplay footage included in … That mysterious night became national–and eventually international–news that put Braxton County, West Virginia on the map. It had a 'cowl' in the shape of an ace of spades behind a red round head. The Flatwoods Monster appears as the final boss of the NES videogame Amagon and the stage 02 boss of the video game Space Harrier II. While playing in the Fallout 76 beta last night, we stumbled upon one of the Grafton Monster locations, and after some research, it seems like … It's so good to see more uploads from you, my friend! About this image. It is very likely to make an appearance. Upon returning home, the mother contacted the local sheriff and a news reporter. About this image. User Info: SirMike. ↑ Fallout 76 loading screen hints ↑ Return Anna's locket. The Flatwoods Monster . ... I’m playing fallout 76 again and you all worked really hard on wastelanders, just wanted you to know that appreciate the effort that’s gone into this game and how you’ve all stuck by this game! The entity was initially reported as being about 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. About Bogdan Robert Mateș When not brewing coffee or debating serious topics with my cat, you'll either find me playing video games or writing about them. It remains to be seen whether the monster will rear its supposed head in Fallout 76. From the waist down it was similar to the Flatwoods Monster, but from the waist up was a reptilian humanoid. The Flatwoods monster, appearing as a misty, alien-like figure in Fallout 76 is another such cryptid which first appeared in local West Virginian lore. Image information. While various Fallout games have played host to a lot of mutated creatures, Fallout 76 is the first to have Cryptids – creatures from legend and folklore. The reporter conducted a number of interviews and returned to the site with the farmer later that night, where he reported that "there was a sickening, burnt, metallic odor still prevailing". If a player character enters a building, they will retreat to the edge of the area. Total views. The Flatwoods Monster note is a cryptid and alien archetype that sprung from an event that occurred on September 12, 1952 in Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, United States. Uploaded by prodlimen. Added on 10 October 2019 7:09AM. advertisement USE OUR INTERACTIVE MAP Our Fallout 76 Interactive Maps is a Google-style map that anyone can add to. The known locations of the Flatwoods Monster in Fallout 76 are as follows: In these locations, players stand the chance of running into a number of variants of the Flatwoods Monster, including both hostile and non-hostile varieties, if you keep returning and logging into different servers. Discrepancies exist in the act… The Flatwoods Monster is a humanoid monster in Fallout 76, I’ve played this game for nearly 200 hours and have yet to see this monster, so I decided to find it and tell you how. Point Pleasant was able to turn their local cryptid into a major source of tourism, and it is now the city's main source of revenue. North-west of Morgantown Airport and North of Gorge Junkyard. The known locations of the Flatwoods Monster in Fallout 76 are as follows: Near and around Abbie's Bunker in the Mire region to the northeast of Appalachia. It is very likely to make an appearance. The tale of The Flatwoods Monster is one of the strangest in the history of UFOlogy. The day after the Flatwoods incident, a couple taking a leisurely drive through the mountains of Frametown, West Virginia, at dusk were met with a similarly horrific experience. Note that only the hostile form can actually be killed; the passive form will simply vanish if players attack or approach it. ↑ West Tek Research Center terminals: "Report: Test Subject AM53" ↑ Grafton Monster characteristics. Our Cheap & Safe Products and Caring Service Bring Us About All Favorable Review. Further evidence that this legend is a hoax comes from a common characteristic in rural areas such as Braxton County: gossip. It's so good to see more uploads from you, my friend! It will be a bit of a slog, but it can be killed. Endorsements. For Delayed or Invalid User Information Orders We Will Initial Full Refund within 2 The Flatwoods monster is known to appear in a couple of locations in Fallout 76. Listed here is npc information for Mythical Flatwoods Monster from fallout 76. This theory is supported by the fact that the story of the Flatwoods Monster contains multiple inconsistencies. Fallout 76; Flatwoods Monster? advertisement USE OUR INTERACTIVE MAP Our Fallout 76 Interactive Maps is a Google-style map that anyone can add to. EDIT: Some pictures as requested. People visit the museum as part of a “Fallout Tour,” where they visit places featured in the game. The Frametown Monster, believed to be the same creature from Flatwoods, bore similar pipe-lined metallic armour from the waist down. It is possible that citizens of Braxton County saw the money that Point Pleasant was making off of Mothman related tourism and wanted to recreate the results with their own local myth. Unfortunately, this often leads to information being warped and blown out of proportion. As stated above, the Flatwoods Monster in Fallout 76 is a strange creature. 16 Become A Five Star Chef First, once those monsters are nearing you, they will make some strange noise. At present, it’s unknown exactly what the Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster will look like. Capable of regenerating health when low. 939. In addition, you can unlock more powerful weapons with Cheap Fallout 76 Bottle Caps from Multiple sightings with multiple eyewitnesses, thoroughly interviewed… It is an incident that has long fascinated me, so it was particularly thrilling to find myself walking right into the town of Flatwoods so soon after leaving Vault 76. Set in the head were two eyes, described as 'portholes', glowing green-orange and the size of half-dollars.The 'body' was a metallic armored structure lined with thick vertical pipes. They also saw (and smelled) a mist that made their eyes and noses burn. Total views. Notice. The monster above has … The monster above has … Our Professional Transaction Ensures 100% Safe Products for All Game Currencies & Services. Who is the Flatwoods Monster? There are monsters crawling out of every corner in the Appalachian wastelands of Fallout 76. From there, the boys and a group of locals went to the farm to try to find whatever it was that the boys had seen. Moreover, you will be rewarded with good loot from the corpse of the Flatwoods Monster. Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster; Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster. This user's image description contains 29 images. I had no idea that they had the Flatwoods Monster in the new Fallout Game!! Quick delivery plus safe payment methods guarantee a fair shopping experience for PC, PS4, Xbox One platforms. SirMike 4 months ago #11. Some of the more indirect confirmations of their existence in Fallout 76 are the Alien Blaster and the Flatwoods Monster, as, spoiler alert, the Flatwoods Monster is obviously a Zetan, or at least totally related to them given his appearance and space suit. The surroundings of Johnson's Acre, Top of the World, and the Converted Munitions Factory public Workshop. They bear a striking resemblance to the Flatwoods monster. At 7:15 PM on September 12, 1952, three little boys witnessed a bright object cross the sky. The Flatwoods is a town in the south central area of Appalachia. More locations where you can encounter the Flatwoods monster are found in Fallout 76's Savage Divide region. You knock off both “kill the Flatwoods monster” and “kill an alien” when you kill it. The Flatwoods design is popular in Japanese UFO culture, having been used in numerous video games and media. You'll encounter one near Abbie's Bunker in The Mire, as well as near Southhampton Estate. 30. There are cryptids crawling out of every corner in the Appalachian wastelands of Fallout 76. Jason Burns, a storyteller who specializes in paranormal stories in West Virginia, told the story of what happened that […] If it doesn’t spawn don’t collect the DNA and you can server hop the daily until it spawns. In the Wii U game The Wonderful 101, the character Gimme has a striking resemblance to the Flatwoods monster. I found the Storyteller at the unmarked camping area between Big Bend West and … With Fallout 76 taking place in the recognizably distinct woods and hills of West Virginia, it’s worth looking into real-life folkloric tales associated with the region. The Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster At present, it’s unknown exactly what the Fallout 76 Flatwoods Monster will look like. The humanoid creature looks as though it is an alien-like astronaut. The Flatwoods monster is known to appear in a couple of locations in Fallout 76. In the Fallout 76 game set in Appalachia, there is a cryptid enemy known as the Flatwoods monster. The Flatwoods Monster is a humanoid monster in Fallout 76, I’ve played this game for nearly 200 hours and have yet to see this monster, so I decided to find it and tell you how. Finding this monster can be extremely rare, and it spawns as a random event. As you can see in the image above, it is one of those alien creatures who get a purple space helmet on its small withered head, with large purple eyes burning bright and is 10-foot-tal. Fallout 76's Flatwoods Monster is fairly easy to spot from a distance thanks to its slender, alien shape, purple glow and equipped jetpack, which it uses to fly around. Fallout 76’s Main Theme Trailer, Killing a Scorchbeast and the Flatwoods Monster Gameplay. Grafton Monster characteristics area separately, but from the waist up was a reptilian.... When you kill it U game the Wonderful 101, the mother contacted the local sheriff and a group locals. 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Land belonging to a local farmer reliable Online game Currency & Money Seller - &! Present, it is time to be some sort of robotic suit fallout 76 flatwoods monster spacecraft rather than organic!

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