It is considered to be the hardest wood ever commercially used. Properties .—Guaiacum wood is hard and heavy. Wood was once used for making propeller shafts for steamships, bearings, gears and mallets. Resins in the wood have been medicinally used in the past to treat a variety of ailments (e.g., arthritis, gout, rheumatism), hence the aforementioned common names which refer to the plants live-sustaining properties. While most of these slow-growing trees were harvested for their wood, one Florida key retained its population, because it was privately owned. The tree usually branches from low-down, often forming multiple trunks Guaiacum sanctum is listed as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's RED LIST of Threatened Species and in Appendix II of CITES. The Lignumvitae Sanctum is considered one of the most hurricane resistant trees, making it perfect for Florida landscapes. It will grow over time to as much as 35' tall with a dense rounded canopy, but is most often seen in the 9-12' range. Guaiac, a natural resin extracted from the wood, is a colorless compound that turns blue when placed in contact with substances that have peroxidase activity and then are exposed to … 2. the wood of such a tree, used for making pulley blocks, mallet heads, bearings, etc … Its high tolerance to drought, salt, and non ideal soil conditions make this plant great for the dry coastal forests and the seashore. The wood is hard, heavy and self-lubricating and has a Janka Hardness Score of 4500, which is one of the hardest in the world. It is threatened by habitat loss. Where winter hardy, it grows well in coastal plantings. May be grown in containers due to slow growth rate. The trunk can be to 1 meter in diameter but usually much smaller and branching at its base. 1). Abundant flowers range in color from purple to blue, it is the national flower of Jamaica. Il nome del genere deriva dallo spagnolo “guayaco” o “gayacan”, a sua volta derivato da un nome indigeno, “guaiac”; il nome specifico è l’aggettivo latino “sanctus, a, um” = sacro, santo, che riprende il nome comune spagnolo “palo santo” = albero sacro, perché considerato tale dai primi colonizzatori spagnoli e capace di guarire qualsiasi male. Requires sharply well-drained soils. It is hardy to zone (UK) 10. Its wood is extremely hard, and were used to make ship propellers. Native Range: Florida, Mexico, Caribbean, Central America. The genus name originated in Maipurean, the language spoken by the native Taínos of the Bahamas; it was adopted into English in 1533, the first word in that language of American origin. Nomi comuni: Bahama lignum vitae, holywood, holywood lignum-vitae, ironwood, lignum vitae, pockwood, tree of life (inglese); guaiaco bianco (italiano); guaiaco, pau santo, lenha di guaiaco (portoghese); guayacán blanco, guayacán real, palo santo (spagnolo); guayacán blanco, guayacancillo, vara amarilla (Cuba); bois saint, gaïac, bazar, gaïac, blanc, gaïac, cardasse, gaïac, femelle, pyé gaïac, (Haiti); hauxaxan, matlacuahuitl, son, zon (Messico); palo santo (Porto Rico). Related Links. 2681 Guaiacum sanctum - Lignum Vitae. Guaiacum sanctum – Holywood Lignum Vitae (4″ pot) $ 20.00. Guaiacum sanctum Figure 1. Species is the National tree of the Bahamas. Legal Status. Oggi la si trova soprattutto nel Messico del … Il Guaiacum sanctum si riteneva guarisse ogni male © Giuseppe Mazza. The Guaiacum Sanctum is commonly called the Lignum Vitae, translating to “Wood of Life” or “Holy Wood.”It is the national tree of the Bahamas, and its flower is the national blossom of Jamaica. Right: the non-native Guaiacum officinale seeds and capsule. In passato le foglie venivano utilizzate, per l’alto potere detergente, come sostituto del sapone; l’olio essenziale è ancora utilizzato nell’industria dei profumi. Also serves as an attractive ornamental lawn tree. It sinks when placed in water. Guaiacum sanctum is the national tree of the Bahamas. Le migliori offerte per Guaiacum Sanctum (3 GAL/ 10 ") Holywood Lignum-Vitae Fiorito/Ornamentale Albero sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di … Guaiacum sanctum, commonly known as holywood or holywood lignum-vitae, is a species of flowering plant in the creosote bush family, Zygophyllaceae. Corteccia, foglie e in particolare la resina che essuda, sono da tempi remoti utilizzate nella medicina popolare per varie patologie, il guaiaco fu per lungo periodo impiegato in Europa nella cura della sifilide, nonostante l’assenza di effetti farmacologici. Può essere anche usato come legno da pipa. Dark brown bark on mature trees peels to show patches of gray. Interpreting Wetland Status. © MONACO NATURE ENCYCLOPEDIA | All rights reserved. Scientific name: Guaiacum sanctum Pronunciation: GWY-uh-kum SANK-tum Common name(s): Lignum vitae, holywood, tree of life Family: Zygophyllaceae USDA hardiness zones: 10B through 11 (Figure 2) Origin: native to Florida, the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America UF/IFAS Invasive Assessment Status: native Uses: tree lawn 3–4 feet wide; tree lawn 4–6 feet wide; tree lawn > 6 ft wide; sidewalk cutout (tree pit); parking lot island < 100 sq ft; parking lot island 100–200 sq ft; parking lot island > 200 … Native to the Caribbean and the northern coast of South America, Lignum Vitae or Guaiacum officinale is a small and slow-growing tree of about 3 -12 m tall and 60 cm in trunk diameter, with a … Come anche le altre specie di Guaiacum è inserito nelle liste CITES. Winter hardy to USDA Zones 10-11. Il Guaiacum sanctum è l’albero nazionale delle Bahamas. Il Guaiaco (Guaiacum officinale L.), conosciuto anche come Lignum vitae, è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia Zygophyllaceae, originaria dell' America Centrale. La resina è composta principalmente da guaiacolo, utilizzato in medicina come antisettico delle vie respiratorie, oltre che da saponine, terpeni e composti minori. Wetland Status. Di grande valore ornamentale e paesaggistico, può essere utilizzato come esemplare isolato o in filari per fiancheggiare viali, resiste al vento e alla salsedine, può essere quindi impiegato in prossimità del mare. Mature Lignumvitae. More Accounts and Images; Integrated Taxonomic Information System (GUAJA) Wildlife. It is commonly called lignum vitae, a name which obviously originated from its durable properties. Other common names include rough bark lignum-vitae, guaiacwood, pockholz, and tree of life. Le migliori offerte per Guaiacum Sanctum (3 Gal/10") LEGNO SANTO Lignum-Vitae fioritura/ALBERO ORNAMENTALE sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e … It ranges from southern Florida in the United States and the Bahamas south to Central America and the Greater Antilles. Grows associated with typical species dry forest as ron ron (Astronium graveolens), cortez yellow (Tabebuia ochracea) and … Food. The wood was once very important for applications requiring a material with its … Tolerates salt spray. Guaiacum officinale lignum-vitae Guaiacum sanctum holywood Guaiacum unijugum . Guaiacum officinale is one of two species yielding the true lignum vitae, the other being Guaiacum sanctum. La specie è originaria della Bahamas, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hispaniola, Honduras, Messico (Campeche, Chiapas, Quintana Roo e Yucatan), Nicaragua, Porto Rico e U.S.A. (Florida), dove vive a basse altitudini nelle foreste secche costiere su suoli rocciosi poveri. The color of the sap-wood is yellow, that of the older and central layers greenish-brown, that of the shavings a mixture of the two. Summary. & Vail (1910). Full sun to part shade. Lignum Vitae has been used for propeller shaft bearings on ships, and its natural oils provide self-lubrication that gives the wood excellent wear resistance. Threatened status is primarily due to habitat loss and human exploitation. (1879); Guaiacum guatemalense Planch. G. officinale is the Roughbark (or Common) Lignum vitae. Coltivabile anche in vaso, dove richiede limitate potature, ed è anche un ottimo soggetto per bonsai. Native to the Florida Keys, this small, slow growing tropical tree, can develop some beautiful shapes making it good for Bonsai mate rial. Not only is it the National Tree of the Bahamas but its name alone is Latin for Tree of Life. La specie è attualmente iscritta nell’appendice II della CITES (specie per la quale il commercio è regolamentato a livello internazionale); l’Unione Internazionale per la Conservazione della Natura (IUCN) l’ha inserito nella lista delle piante ad altissimo rischio di estinzione in natura nel prossimo futuro (“endangered”). Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Purchase this product and earn 20 Gardino Points. Guaiacum sanctum is an evergreen Tree growing to 6 m (19ft) by 6 m (19ft) at a slow rate. Le foglie sono opposte, paripennate, lunghe 3-10 cm, con 2-5 coppie di foglioline sessili (prive di picciolo) coriacee, oblunghe o obovate, intere, mucronate (terminanti bruscamente con una punta acuta), di colore verde scuro, lunghe 2,5-3.5 cm e larghe fino a 1,7 cm, asimmetriche rispetto alla nervatura centrale. Specie di crescita particolarmente lenta, è coltivabile nelle zone a clima tropicale e subtropicale in pieno sole, per crescere al meglio, o leggera ombreggiatura, non è particolarmente esigente riguardo al suolo, anche povero; piante ben radicate possono resistere a periodi di siccità. Guaiacum sanctum (also called Lignum Vitae and Holywood) is a species of plant in the Zygophyllaceae family. Lignumvitae1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION Lignumvitae is an extremely slow-growing broadleaf evergreen which ultimately reaches 30 to 40 feet in height and casts light shade, but few people have seen plants of this size because it is not grown in the trade (Fig. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very alkaline and saline soils. Country of Origin: Florida, Mexico to northern South America, West Indies Habitat: lowland dry forests Description: Large shrub or tree, up to 30 feet tall (10 m); petiole or axis; also applied to how the lateral veins are arranged in relation to the main vein. The wood of trees in this genus is resinous, dense, heavy and very hard. Wood will sink rather than float in water. This tree is one of two species which yield the valuable Lignum vitae wood, the other being Guaiacum officinale. This tree is sometimes referred to as the "tree of life" because of its many uses. Guaiacum sanctum L.. Common Name: Lignum Vitae Family: Zygophyllaceae R.Br. Il frutto è una capsula ovoide con semi neri in arilli rossi. Lignum vitae is a very slow-growing evergreen shrub or small tree with an open, spreading crown; it can grow 3 - 13 metres tall with occasional specimens to 20 metres. lignum vitae — /lig neuhm vuy tee, vee tuy/ 1. either of two tropical American trees, Guaiacum officinale or G. sanctum, of the caltrop family, having very hard, heavy wood. Lo sfruttamento indiscriminato, durato fino a tempi recenti, ha drasticamente ridotto la presenza di questa specie in natura, sono state adottate pertanto azioni, sia in sede locale che internazionale, per la sua salvaguardia. Il duro e pesante legno ricavato da questa pianta e dalla congenere Guaiacum officinale è chiamato Lignum vitae e viene usato nella meccanica come cuscinetto di scivolamento (tipo bronzina) e soprattutto nella nautica, per costruire i cosiddetti astucci della linea d'asse delle eliche di imbarcazioni. Ornamental features include shiny compound evergreen leaves, brown bark with gray patches, blue flowers and ornamentally attractive seed pods. Il frutto è una capsula ovoide, lunga circa 1,5 cm e larga fino a 1,8 cm, di colore giallo arancio con 2-5 lobi prominenti che si aprono per scoprire i semi ellissoidi, lunghi circa 1 cm, di colore nerastro racchiusi in un arillo rosso vivo. We love promoting trees like the Guayacán real, Lignum Vitae, that are endangered but with the proper stewardship may be enjoyed by generations to come. Guaiacum sanctum: Lignum Vitae 2 Foliage Leaf arrangement: opposite/subopposite Leaf type: even-pinnately compound; made up of 3–5 pairs of leaflets Leaf margin: entire Leaf shape: obovate, elliptic (oval) Leaf venation: pinnate Leaf type and persistence: evergreen Leaf blade length: 1 to 2 inches Leaf color: dark green Fall color: no color change Fall characteristic: not showy ex Rydb. Guaiacum sanctum L. Common Name: Lignum Vitae Habit: Guaiacum sanctum grows as a small shrub to medium size tree up to 10 meters in height. Infiorescenze fascicolate terminali, in primavera e autunno, con 4-8 fiori di colore blu o porpora con 5 sepali e 5 petali unguicolati (petali con la base lungamente ristretta simile ad uno stelo) e arrotondati all’apice, lunghi 0,7-1,2 cm e larghi 0,6-0,8 cm, e 10 stami con antere gialle. Fruits from the spring flowers ripen in summer. Most people know Guaiacum sanctum simply as ‘Lignum vitae,’ but its true recognized common name is actually ‘Holywood Lignum vitae.’ The basic two-word term Lignum vitae is somewhat misleading, because it applies not only to G. sanctum, but also to other species of Guaiacum. Good drought tolerance. Guaiacum wood, also known as Lignum vitae, a name given to it from a belief that its medicinal virtues were of a superior kind, is largely imported into this country from the West Indies for making block-sheaves, wooden pestles, and many other objects, for which it is peculiarly fitted by its extraordinary hardness and toughness. Its durability in submerged or ground-contact applications is also exceptional. This tree got its name because it has so many life restoring properties, the resin or ‘sap’ as Bahamians call it, has been used throughout the ages to treat ailments such as the common cough and even arthritis. Star-shaped, 5-petaled, blue flowers (1" diameter) in terminal clusters bloom on and off throughout the year, but most frequently in early spring (March-April). It is found in the Bahamas, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, and south Florida in … Lignum vitae is a wood, also called guayacan or guaiacum, and in parts of Europe known as Pockholz or pokhout, from trees of the genus Guaiacum. Il Guaiacum sanctum L. (1753) è un albero sempreverde con esemplari in natura che possono raggiungere 25 m di altezza, ma che in coltivazione si mantiene molto più basso, con tronco nodoso fino a 60 cm di diametro e corteccia biancastra con fessure superficiali verticali, i rami giovani sono grigi e ingrossati ai nodi. The trees are indigenous to the Caribbean and the northern coast of South America and have been an important export crop to Europe since the beginning of the 16th century. Tree flower is the national flower of Jamaica.Genus name comes from the South American vernacular word guaiac the name for lignum vitae (G. officinale), meaning wood of life, so named because of its high repute in medicine.Specific epithet means holy. Kenneth Setzer Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Guaiacum sanctum : Source: Zygophyllaceae of North America Update, database (version 2011) Acquired: 2011 : Notes: Updated for ITIS by the Flora of North America Expertise Network, in connection with an update for USDA PLANTS (2007-2010) Reference for: Guaiacum sanctum : Publication(s): Author(s)/Editor(s): Publication Date: Article/Chapter Title: . It also can be grown as a shrub. ex Hemsl. All are native to subtropical and tropical regions of the Americas and are commonly known as lignum-vitae, guayacán (Spanish), or gaïac (French). It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. Lignum Vitae, Tree of Life, Gaiac tree. ex A.Gray (1852); Guaiacum guatemalense Planch. Left: Leaf and seed capsule of native lignum vitae, Guaiacum sanctum. Moderate but consistent water. Si riproduce per seme, ripulito dall’arillo che contiene inibitori, che va leggermente scarificato ed immerso in acqua per 12 ore, per favorire la germinazione, che avviene, se è fresco, mediamente in 10-20 giorni. Guaiacum sanctum – The Lignum Vitae. Rare and slow growing small tree, hard to propagate. Tolerates wind. It's now the Lignum-Vitae State Park, which is … Resina antisettica e legno duro autolubrificante © Mazza. (1849); Guaiacum sloanei Shuttlew. It is almost impossible to drive a nail into the wood. Guaiacum sanctum, commonly called lignum vitae (wood of life) or palo santo (holy wood), is a slow-growing, multi-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen tree or shrub that is native primarily to dry coastal areas in the Florida Keys, Bahamas, West Indies, Central American and northern South America. Sinonimi: Guaiacum verticale Ortega (1798); Guaiacum multijugum Stokes (1812); Guaiacum parvifolium Nutt. È il legno più duro e con la più alta densità (fino a 1370 kg/m3), l’alto contenuto di resina (fino al 26%), che si comporta come lubrificante, ha fatto sì che in passato fosse ampiamente utilizzato per fabbricare ingranaggi, pulegge, cuscinetti e alberi di trasmissione, e per la sua durezza per utensili, attrezzi, strumenti a percussione, oltre che per mobili, oggetti di artigianato e in applicazioni navali, per la resistenza all’acqua, è inoltre resisten- te, sempre grazie alla resina, agli attacchi degli insetti. The leaves are arranged oppositely and have six to 10 opposite leaflets that are apiculate and have stipules at their leaflet bases. Pinnate compound dark green leaves (3-5 pairs of ovate leaflets - each leaflet to 2" long) are evergreen. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Guaiacum sanctum, commonly called lignum vitae (wood of life) or palo santo (holy wood), is a slow-growing, multi-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen tree or shrub that is native primarily to dry coastal areas in the Florida Keys, Bahamas, West Indies, Central American and northern South America. Unfortunately, Lignum Vitae has been exploited to the brink of extinction, and is now an endangered species. Il Guaiacum sanctum L. (1753) è un albero sempreverde con esemplari in natura che possono raggiungere 25 m di altezza, ma che in coltivazione si mantiene molto più basso, con tronco nodoso fino a 60 cm di diametro e corteccia biancastra con fessure superficiali verticali, i rami giovani sono grigi e ingrossati ai nodi. Fruit is a dehiscent orange capsule that splits open when ripe to reveal one or two black seeds each covered with a fleshy bright red aril. , a name which obviously originated from its durable properties ovate leaflets - leaflet. 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