Political appointees try to invade them. What is solidarity and what does it require of us? How can citizenship be gained, and can it ever be lost? The fields are: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, methodology, and political theory. Same as: POLISCI 313R. May be repeated for credit. This course explore the logics of violence. Topics include: the technologies of the voting booth and reporting results; online filter bubbles, echo chambers, and effects on polarization; amplification and content moderation of political candidates; online political advertising and microtargeting; manipulation, misinformation, and disinformation; the U.S. in comparative perspective; and policy approaches. The Department of Political Science at Stanford University seeks an outstanding senior scholar for a tenured professorship (associate or full) with expertise in race and racial justice in the U.S., civil rights, social movements, and/or African American politics. POLISCI 218X. Students examine themes fundamental to understanding the region: time, space, water, peoples, and boom and bust cycles. 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-2087 (650) 723-2635. dagmar@stanford.edu. 4 Units. Philosophers are centrally concerned with the justification of inequality and the reasons why various types of inequality are or are not objectionable.nIn this class we bring both of these approaches together. Led by Rob Reich (Political Science, Stanford), David Kennedy (History, Stanford), and James Steyer (CEO, Common Sense Media), the course will bring together distinguished analysts of American politics. Up to 54 units of approved courses may be counted toward both degrees. All questions regarding graduate admissions should be directed to the Political Science Student Services office. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is generally regarded as one of the most influential ancient thinkers in a number of philosophical fields, including political theory. Political Science doctoral candidates may pursue master's degrees from other departments. 20th Century and Contemporary Political Theory. For example, POLISCI 440A is a Comparative Politics class and POLISCI 410A is an International Relations class. Many others have attacked UBI on those very same grounds, making the case that alternative policy proposals like the job guarantee, means-tested benefits, conditional benefits, or reparations should be preferred. The J.D./Ph.D. The course will approach each topic by examining alternative theoretical approaches and evaluate these theories using historical and contemporary evidence. Interested in applying? Economists study the causes of inequality, design tools to measure it and track it over time, and examine its consequences. POLISCI 462. Topics include: interdependence, legitimacy, justice; political obligation, citizenship, and leadership; origins and development of democracy; law, civic strife, and constitutional change. Tools for and bureaucratic struggles over how to promote democracy. Same as: ETHICSOC 135, PHIL 135X. The remainder of the course will do deep dives into case studies, sometime with guest lecturers and participants from these historical moments. Law and Politics of Bureaucracy. Workshop in International Relations. This course covers the principles and logic of experimental design as applied to laboratory, field and survey experiments. Students are placed in small interdisciplinary teams (engineers and non-engineers, undergraduate and graduate level) to work on complex design, engineering, and policy problems presented by external partners in a real urban setting. How resilient is the part in the fave of technological and economic change? We will consider the role of privacy, anonymity, free expression and free association in democracies and examine the digital tools and practices that enable these freedoms. POLISCI 74. This course takes the core questions of comparative politics - democratization, development, social movements, civil society, conflict, etc. POLISCI 323. © 2020-21 Stanford University. 1-5 Unit. Prerequisite for Econ PhD students: ECON 202 and 270 or permission of instructors. POLISCI 440D. Contemporary Moral Problems. Joint degree students may elect to begin their course of study in either the School of Law or the Department of Political Science. Prerequisites: POLISCI 450A and POLISCI 450B. 5 Units. This course be repeated for credit up to 3 times. Philosophy of Public Policy. The history of each group in the American polity; their political circumstances with respect to the electoral process, the policy process, and government; the extent to which the demographic category Latino is meaningful; and group identity and solidarity among Americans of Latin American ancestry. Graduate students should enroll for 3. An examination of China in the global economy. Case studies include Greek city-states in the classical period and the northern Atlantic community of the 17th and 18th centuries including upheavals in England and the American Revolutionary era. Political philosophy in classical antiquity, centered on reading canonical works of Thucydides, Plato, Aristotle against other texts and against the political and historical background. Understanding Russia: Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order. Subsequently, we examine the challenges the European economy faces. 3-5 Units. This course is crosslisted in the university and undergraduates are eligible to take it. POLISCI 334P. 1 Unit. This course seeks to identify the historical and political sources accounting for this lag, and to provide extensive case study and statistical material to understand what sustains it, and how it might be overcome. Should children have the right to vote? Nuclear weapons, terrorism, political economy of defense, and related topics. Adequate Progress: Students who are not making adequate academic progress are at serious risk of dismissal from the Ph.D. program. There are no pre-requisites. POLISCI 474. POLISCI 432R. For PhD students. Students in this course will draw on these materials to construct their own arguments, and to identify and assess implicit appeals to the ethics of citizenship in popular culture and contemporary public discourse, from The Simpsons to President Obama's speeches. Chinese Politics. It also explores the many ways in which states engage in violence against their population through repression, torture, and murder. Students will utilize major databases such as the American National Elections Studies (ANES) and the General Social Survey (GSS), as well as ongoing national panels. 3-5 Units. Alternative Spring Break: America is often thought of as the archetypal democracy. The ultimate goal of the course is to familiarize students to modern machine learning techniques and provide the skills necessary to apply these methods widely. Herodotus and Thucydides, and in the design of classical Greek institutions. Applying techniques such as information economics, games of incomplete information, sequential bargaining theory, repeated games, and rational expectations of microeconomic analysis and game theory to political behavior and institutions. This course examines the theory and practice of deliberative democracy and engages both in a dialogue with critics. Do you have a duty to vote? 3 Units. The hypothesis to be explored in the course is that individuals, bureaucracies, and interest groups shape foreign policy decisions. 3. We use social science to study Smith¿s integrated approach to human cooperation in three realms, society, politics, and markets; asking: ¿Why isn¿t the entire world developed? What's Wrong with American Government? Prerequisite: POLISCI 410A. 3-5 Units. This course explores democracy¿s roots in ancient Athens to its modern incarnation. Same as: ETHICSOC 134. POLISCI 213C. 5 Units. ** NOTE: The enrollment of the class is by application only. 1-10 Unit. 5 Units. May be repeated for credit. Sources include Rousseau's response to the 1755 Lisbon earthquake; Hannah Arendt's interpretation of Auschwitz; Günther Anders' reading of Hiroshima; and current reflections on looming climatic and nuclear disasters. My main research focus is group identity and ingroup-outgroup relations. At the completion of the CPT quarter, a final report must be submitted to the faculty sponsor documenting the work done and its relevance to Political Science. This has led to a widening gap in knowledge about the military, its members and the functions they perform, as well as its basic structure and tradition of service. Preferably taken in freshman or sophomore year. Philosophical reflection on human agency needs to include reflection both on the agency of individual human agents and on forms of social agency that involve multiple individuals. The reading list will focus on several books recently authored by preeminent political scientists on this important topic. The Political Psychology of Intolerance. Is a state needed to ensure that laws are enforced? As we will see, arguments over structure were at the heart of the debates over slavery, the incarceration of the Japanese during WWII, the drug war and gay marriage. See the data here. Students are advised to begin work on their second-year research papers in the summer between their first and second years in the program, to select two Political Science faculty readers early in fall quarter of their second year, and to submit a first draft to their readers by early winter quarter of their second year. Civil War and International Politics: Syria in Context. Political Economy of Gender. Same as: POLISCI 248A. When is it permissible to inflict harm on others for the sake of the greater good? This course will include readings from political theory about democratic ideals - from the American founders to J.S. POLISCI 343C. Identity, whether national, religious, racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, or otherwise, can importantly shape how people experience the political world. What sorts of equality should a just society ensure? The evolution of relations between the U.S. and Iran. POLISCI 344. 3-5 Units. We approach these topics by examining competing theories of justice including utilitarianism, libertarianism/classical liberalism, and egalitarian liberalism. Although there are no formal pre-requisites, this class is primarily designed for students considering writing a thesis in political or moral theory as well as for students in other disciplines who want to advance their understanding of equality as a moral value. POLISCI 226T. POLISCI 223B. POLISCI 410D. Students will explore how nonprofit organizations operate domestically and globally as well as the historical development and modern structure of civil society and philanthropy. 5 Units. Data Science for Politics. Yet there is far less agreement about how to understand the concept itself and what kinds of political arrangements are best suited to protect and enhance freedom. This course may count toward the units taken to satisfy the Primary Track, Secondary Track, or Additional Coursework requirements. Same as: EDUC 122Q, HISTORY 52Q. After completing the first year of law school and after advancement to candidacy in the Political Science Ph.D. program, enrollment may be in the graduate school or the Law School, and students may choose courses from either program regardless of where enrolled. Applications to war, terrorism, trade policy, the environment, and world poverty. Causal inference methods have revolutionized the way we use data, statistics, and research design to move from correlation to causation and rigorously learn about the impact of some potential cause (e.g., a new policy or intervention) on some outcome (e.g., election results, levels of violence, poverty). This seminar course will engage these questions though hands-on data laboratory work in which students are taught to use data along with normative and positive theories to answer these questions. Nonresponse, self-selection, measurement error, and web survey methods. Same as: POLISCI 340A. Participating in governance? The student is responsible for arranging their own internship/employment and gaining faculty sponsorship. Other times, they do not. We will focus on the work of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Rawls. But what does that mean? 3-5 Units. POLISCI 259. The approach examines how BRI has played out in practice and how it is changing. This course will cover campaign finance, lobbying, and interest group politics. Same as: POLISCI 212C. The Department of Political Science at Stanford invites applications for an open rank, tenure line, position for scholars who study race in American society. Students should meet with their pre-candidacy mentors at least once per quarter, although there is likely to be variation in meeting frequency by individual adviser and advisee. Prerequisites: POLISCI 410A and 410B. Concepts are developed through games played in class, and applied to politics, business and everyday life. The tracks for the Political Science undergraduate major and minor are: Political Science majors must select a primary track and a secondary track on which to focus their studies. Prerequisites for Political Science PhD students: POLISCI 450A, POLISCI 450B, and POLISCI 356A. Same as: INTLPOL 230, INTNLREL 114D, POLISCI 314D. POLISCI 25N. 4 Units. Do arms control treaties and the laws of armed conflict influence nuclear proliferation and nuclear war plans? Students must apply through Summer Session and may not enroll without permission of the instructors. POLISCI 241T. Research Design. POLISCI 421K. Focus is on developing research papers and exploring active areas of research in the field. The number of political science and government degrees conferred across America fell 4.5% between 2008 and 2013, but at few institutions has this trend been more pronounced than Stanford. Introduction to Machine Learning for Social Scientists. First, we examine the methodological approaches of scholars working within political theory as well as those working at the intersection of political theory and empirical social science. Mathematical and statistical models and applications to political science. This course aims to interweave the methodological and the practical, preparing students to implement their own survey-based research projects while also engaging with the core political science research questions answered through survey research. Which liberties must a just society protect? Nuclear Weapons and International Politics. China, one of the few remaining communist states in the world, has not only survived, but has become a global political actor of consequence with the fastest growing economy in the world. There are no pre-requisites. What, if anything is wrong with markets in everything? The growth of income and wealth inequalities, the precariousness of labor, and the persistence of abject poverty have all been important drivers of renewed interest in UBI in the United States. Any questions related to this course or office hours with Professor McFaul should be directed to Mahlorei Bruce-Apalis at mahlorei@stanford.edu. The five track options are listed below. The first sessions of the course will review theories of revolution, social movements, and democratization. This class offers an opportunity to gain knowledge of and firsthand experience in an American elections. Undergraduates and graduates from all departments are welcome to attend. The Federal System: Judicial Politics and Constitutional Law. 3 Units. The Laboratory of the Study of American Values III. 5 Units. In this course, students learn and engage with the debates that have animated political theory since the early 20th century. 1-10 Unit. As a political communication scholar, I seek to understand the political consequences of the public’s interactions with the media environment. As well, we'll explore issues of electoral reform and their more long-term consequences for governance and the political process. This seminar will consider and evaluate some of the most controversial and challenging answers that have been given to these questions by canonical thinkers like John Locke, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx, as well as by more contemporary political and legal thinkers like Jeremy Waldron and Cass Sunstein. The second-year research paper is given considerable weight as the faculty consider an application for candidacy. Most people agree that democracy is a good thing, but do we agree on what democracy is? Introduction to International Relations. What are the challenges facing BRI? Political Science majors who are taking this course to fulfill the WIM requirement should enroll in POLISCI 236S. Political responses to domestic and international financial crises. This course integrates several disciplinary perspectives into a comprehensive examination of Western North America: its history, physical geography, climate, literature, art, film, institutions, politics, demography, economy, and continuing policy challenges. In the absence of extraordinary circumstances, students are expected to be in residence at the Law School for at least seven quarters. After a brief review of the academic literature in the first part of the course, the seminar will focus on several cases studies of foreign policy decision-making by the United States, China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, as well as the United Nations and NATO. Mobilizing Democracy: Campaigns, Elections, and Voting. Research paper required. 3-5 Units. What does justice mean in a large and diverse modern society? Recent scholarly or critical paper (20-35 pages, double spaced). Provides students with a solid grasp of the American political system and other political systems within the ... is the central forum for the interdisciplinary study of South Asia at Stanford University. We will develop and test hypotheses to explain the rate and pace of economic change in the Greek world. There will also be a Q&A following the initial discussion. What kinds of social agency are characteristic of larger social organizations or groups? The course first explores the key areas of debate on women's representation. 5 Units. The course will explore normative and practical issues concerning democracy and equality and examine why democratic institutions have failed to counteract rising inequality. Faculty with expertise in philosophy, economics, law, political science, psychology, medicine, history, and more will come together for lively conversations about the issues not only shaping this election season but also the nation and world at large. What makes political institutions legitimate? POLISCI 33N. This course provides an introduction to strategic reasoning. Mass political mobilization occurs in both democracies and autocracies. Whether one considers the partisan and electoral choices citizens make or the judgements citizens render in response to officer-involved shootings or other salient social and political events, the centrality of identity in our politics is indisputable. Same as: POLISCI 344U. How is our world governed, and by whom? How can we address racial injustice? Students who major in political science will learn how political decisions are made and will develop analytic skills useful in careers in government, business, professional schools, and not-for-profit organizations. Hart.nnPrerequisite: graduate standing in Philosophy or permission of instructor. (While a B is the minimum required grade for all classes, all students must earn a minimum grade of A- for courses taken to fulfill first and second field requirements. As the 2020 election approaches, faculty members from across Stanford will explore and examine some of the biggest challenges facing society today. POLISCI 351C. Topics include case selection, process tracing, participant observation, interviewing, archival research, survey design, labnexperiments, field experiments, and ethical concerns in the field. 3-5 Units. Topics include: interdependence, legitimacy, justice; political obligation, citizenship, and leadership; origins and development of democracy; law, civic strife, and constitutional change. Is mandatory service an oxymoron?. Focus is on Muslims of the Middle East. 3 Units. 3 Units. Same as: CEE 118Y, CEE 218Y, ESS 118Y, ESS 218Y, GEOLSCI 118Y, GEOLSCI 218Y, GEOPHYS 118Y, GEOPHYS 218Y, PUBLPOL 118Y, PUBLPOL 218Y. Particular attention will be paid to the construction of political identities among the growing mixed-race population. 4-5 Units. Gender, Identity, and Politics. Why do Black and White Americans disagree so vehemently about racially-charged incidents like officer-involved shootings? We will ask questions such as: Is compulsory voting justified? Advanced Individual Study in Political Methodology. Focus will be on China¿s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). ), Overseas Studies Courses in Political Science, Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus, Introduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists, American Political Institutions in Uncertain Times, Theories and Practices of Civil Society, Philanthropy, and the Nonprofit Sector, Political Freedom: Rights, Justice, and Democracy in the Western Tradition, Introduction to American Politics and Policy: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press, 20th Century Political Theory: Liberalism and its Critics, Modern Political Thought: Machiavelli to Marx and Mill, Political Philosophy: The Social Contract Tradition, Ethics, Public Policy, and Technological Change, American Political Development, 1865-present, Fixing US Politics: Political Reform in Principle and Practice, Classical Seminar: Origins of Political Thought, High-Stakes Politics: Case Studies in Political Philosophy, Institutions, and Interests, The Greeks and the Rational: Deliberation, Strategy, and Choice in Ancient Greek Political Thought, International Organizations and the World Order, Civil War and International Politics: Syria in Context, International Security in a Changing World, Challenges and Dilemmas in American Foreign Policy, Special Topics: State-Society Relations in the Contemporary Arab World-Key Concepts and Debates, American Foreign Policy: Interests, Values, and Process, Foreign Policy Decision Making in Comparative Perspective, Democracy in Crisis: Learning from the Past, The US Congress in Historical and Comparative Perspective, The Changing Nature of Racial Identity in American Politics, Policy, Politics and the 2020 Elections: What 2020 Means for Future Campaigns and Elections, The 2018 Midterm Election: Making Your Voice Heard, What's Wrong with American Government? Stanford PACS affiliated faculty and scholars teach courses and seminars for undergraduates, masters and Ph.D. students. Qualified Political Science students obtain employment in a relevant research or industrial activity to enhance their professional experience consistent with their degree programs. POLISCI 40SI. Over the quarter, they will be guided through the elements of research design (narrative, theory, and statistics). Field Methods. 5 Units. Mill and the Progressives to Joseph Schumpeter and modern writers skeptical of the public will. This course looks at competing visions of what democracy should be and different notions of the role of dialogue in a democracy. Same as: INTLPOL 218, POLISCI 242G. - democratization, and public opinion studies how gender conditions experiences in political philosophy in antiquity! Maintained for all classes taken from outside the political Science department does not require that students one! 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