Balthasar, an alternate form of the Babylonian king Belshazzar, mentioned in the Book of Daniel; Balthazar (Magus), a name commonly attributed to one of the biblical Magi (Three Wise Men) Rulers. Not until 1709 did editors start identifying Abraham's partner as "Balthasar," and Balthasar (as we see him late in the play) appears to be too sensible to get himself mixed up with Abraham, Sampson, and Gregory. [He gives the letter to BALTHASAR] Give me the torch. He says that "nothing can be ill, if she be well", meaning that none of the other news is as important. How did Balthasar come by this news? Asked by jose g #239251 on 5/22/2012 10:37 PM Last updated by Aslan on 5/22/2012 11:06 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. What does Friar John tell Friar Laurence? 7. 2. Asked by Casey C #444753. Note the description of Romeo as “pale and wild.” What might be foreshadowed by these details? Welcome to Estalia gentlemen. Why does Romeo have trouble getting the poison? He brings the rope ladder to the Nurse for her to leave in Juliet’s room. What does Friar John tell Friar Laurence? and find homework help for other Romeo and Juliet questions at eNotes How much does Romeo offer for the poison? Romeo. To compare Rosaline to other girls there and to hopefully see Rosaline. What does Romeo consider the poison to be? 9. People. What does Balthasar's response suggest that he is doing? 8. It's a metaphor. Asked by Casey C #444753. What convinces the apothecary to break the law? I will not lie, the chances of your survival are small. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5fd1f9a63836c2f4 It foreshadowed the devastated news from Verona, brought to Romeo by Balthasar and the death of Romeo himself later on in the play. He is directed to carry messages, and he accompanies Romeo. How long hath he been there? Balthasar is Romeo’s manservant. Romeo, carrying a crowbar, enters with Balthasar. Romeo waits for news The letter sent by Friar Lawrence does not arrive Balthasar brings news of Juliet’s “death” Romeo defies the stars and goes back to Verona. Summarize the Scene. What does Friar Lawrence do … S3-Why does Paris think that Romeo has come to the tomb? Balthasar. In scene 2, what does Capulet tell Paris he will have to do in order to marry Juliet? Answers: 1. 1, Lines 12–32: Why must Romeo repeat his request for news of Juliet twice? stream What does Romeo obtain from a poor apothecary? What reasons does Romeo give Balthasar for going into the Capulet monument? Practice safe driving. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. 2. He scolds the Capulets and Montagues, calling the tragedy a consequence of their feud and reminding them that he himself has lost two close kinsmen: Mercutio and Paris. Romeo is going to do something drastic / end up … Juliet is dead. Why does the servant ask Romeo to read the list of guests who are invited to the party at the Capulets? 7. Last updated … In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what news does Balthasar bring to Romeo in Act 5, Scene 1 and how does Romeo react? What are the instructions? 4 0 obj Balthasar's response suggests that he's trying to make the news easier for Romeo to handle. ROMEO. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> To remove his ring from Juliet’s finger: Mournful _____ and his Page stand guard at Juliet’s tomb so that no one will rob the vault. Balthasar says he is not, and Romeo sends his servant on his way. What remedy does Benvolio suggest for Romeo's problem? After hearing this news from Friar John, what does Friar Laurence intend to do? Answers: 1. In lines 109-112, what does Romeo suggest will be accomplished by his death? Answers: 1. Balthasar. Where does Romeo decide to go? He tells Balthasar that he has come to open the Capulet tomb in order to take back a valuable ring he had given to Juliet. Friar laurence. 5. Balthasar says that Romeo seems so distraught that he is afraid to leave him, but Romeo insists. Thou know'st my lodging: get me ink and paper, And hire post-horses; I will hence to-night. Your IP: 4 Educator answers. x�\M��6��W�hYE��OF�M�56�� ��{�t��l�4}����Z�����`ޛϟܗ�ս)ܿ��pO�m���N_�>oLW7��^�3_��u����;���e^��ܼ1��޿=�2�#s����Mi[|Y�y�b�����\�X�M��������ýr��ˋ��R&ot��֫2�j�ڕr��T�3�Ҝ3�#����jm^��5e���0كp�$5yY�U\e\���6'b6&���Zg����h"�aE#U���n^'�� What does the Nurse give Romeo that provides him with comfort? Note the description of Romeo as “pale and wild.” What might be foreshadowed by these details? Quote #9: “Thy lips are warm!” (5.3.167) Speaker: Meaning: In Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, what does Mercutio say about Benvolio's fighting habits? Where does Romeo decide to go? What does Romeo plan to do as soon as he hears about Juliet’s death? 6. Why does the apothecary sell Romeo the poison? What does Romeo order Balthasar not to do? How did Balthasar come by this news? Why is there no mourning/grieving period? 100. He accompanies Romeo to the Capulet tomb. V,3,3086. He was walking past the church and saw the funeral. What instructions does Paris give to his servant? Act 5 Scene 3. 1, Lines 34–57: Explain what Romeo means in line 34. How is this an example of . What does Balthasar’s response suggest that he is doing? 7. Why … Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb? Romeo immediately orders Balthasar to prepare a horse so he can rush to Verona and see Juliet's body. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Romeo has been prompted to return to Verona. ... What does Friar Laurence suggest to Juliet as she awakens? he forgets to deliver a letter to romeo. Scene 3: 6. After hearing this news from Friar John, what does Friar Laurence intend to do? What does Friar Laurence plan to do now? ROMEO Give me that mattock and the wrenching iron. I dare not, sir My master knows not but I am gone hence; And fearfully did menace me with death, If I did stay to look on his intents. 3. Balthasar is Romeo’s man. 25. My dreams presage ° some joyful news at hand. What are the instructions? What instructions does he give to Balthasar? Balthasar does not speak. Act V, Scene II: You've reached the end of your free preview. 8. Scene 2 1. Who did Friar Laurence send to Mantua to inform Romeo of Juliet’s plan? What does Romeo plan to do after hearing Balthasar's news Kill himself in Juliet's tomb Stay in Mantua forever Take vengeance on Paris Ask Friar Lawrence to hide him 4 of 5. Once Balthasar is gone, Romeo says that he … I do beseech you, sir, have patience: Your looks are pale and wild, and do import Some misadventure. 3 months ago. 7. This could foreshadow hisdeath in the future because you do crazy things when you are upset. The Prince says that it confirms the friar’s story. • What do you think the effect will be once Juliet discovers that Romeo is dead? Balthasar, though, informs him that Juliet is dead (as far as he knows). Why does Friar Laurence tell Romeo that he has a pack of blessings on his back? Some may even turn against your friends as living corpses, but you have my word that I will use my arcane gifts to ensure your bodies are given unto Morr's Garden. What news does Balthasar bring? Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. V,3,3084. Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb? 2. Why does Benvolio suggest Romeo to go to theparty? 5. 9. Sc. 10. Is Balthasar the correct messenger? If he does interrupt him, Romeo will rip hislimbs off. Scene 2: 4. Answered by jill d #170087 on 6/2/2015 2:33 AM Romeo gives Balthasar a letter that he instructs him to give to his … In scene 2, what does Capulet tell Paris he will have to do in order to marry Juliet? Why does the apothecary sell Romeo the poison? Hearing the news of Juliet’s death, he hurries to Mantua to inform his master of it. 7. Because Romeo killed Paris. Romeo does this, pledges his love to Juliet, takes the poison, and dies. As Balthasar gives Romeo news of Juliet, what news is Romeo waiting for? After telling the man in the shop that he looks poor, Romeo offers to pay him well for a vial of poison. Then he orders Balthasar to leave, and, in the morning, to deliver to Montague the letter Romeo had given him. Balthasar says he is not, and Romeo sends his servant on his way. Both Paris and Romeo believe that Juliet is dead because when Paris went to get Juliet for their wedding, he found the household mourning her death (which was thought to have been caused over her grief for Tybalt's death) and Romeo was told by Balthasar that Juliet was dead after he witnessed her funeral 24. Once Balthasar is gone, Romeo says that he will lie with Juliet that night. 3. 200. He goes to buy poisen. Asked by Casey C #444753. Is it even so? Full half an hour. 6. They fight, and Romeo kills Paris. What has kept Friar John from delivering Friar Laurence’s letter to Romeo? Why does the servant ask Romeo to read the list of guests who are invited to the party at the ... What news does Balthasar bring Romeo? Scene 1: 1. Why? V,3,3086. Does he consider his options or … How does lady Montague die? 9. -- As a matter of fact Balthasar probably does not even appear. What might be foreshadowed by his appearance? What does Romeo consider the poison to be? Balthasar. 3.what strange excuse does Romeo give his servant for wanting to enter the tomb alone? Why is there no mourning/grieving period? Scene 3: 6. Is Balthasar the correct messenger? Home Romeo and Juliet Q & A What does Romeo give to Balthasa... Romeo and Juliet What does Romeo give to Balthasar? Romeo, unaware of Friar Laurence’s plan, collapses into despair and buys some poison to kill himself with. 6.what does Romeo promise he will do for Paris? 11. What symbol of her love does Juliet send Romeo? What is Romeo looking for? How does he know he can get what he needs from this particular apothecary? 200. he convinces romeo to visit juliet’s tomb. Romeo’s servant Balthasar arrives in Mantua with news for Romeo? Romeo suddenly stops and asks if Balthasar is carrying a letter from Friar Lawrence. After hearing Balthasar's response, Romeo is described as "pale and wild". He goes to find an apothecary, a seller of drugs. He became across thisnews because he sees them all going to the funeral. Friar Laurence. Scene 2. What kept Friar John from seeing Romeo… Why has Paris come to the Capulet’s tomb? Note the description of Romeo as “pale and wild.” What might be foreshadowed by these details? What does Romeo mean when he says, “Then I defy you, stars!”? Where does Romeo decide to go? Do you think Balthasar could have prevented the tragedy? Romeo is comparing Juliet to an earring which dangles against a person's cheek. Act 3, Scene 3 1. Romeo tells Balthasar that he wants to see Juliet’s face again and get the ring. he suggests that romeo buy poison What is Romeo looking for? What does Romeo tell Balthasar he is going to do inside the tomb? Balthasar. What does Balthasar suggest to Romeo? 3. How much does Romeo offer for the poison? Question: In act v, scene i of romeo and juliet, what role does balthasar play in the catastrophe? Friar suggest that they leave. Why does Romeo have trouble getting the poison? Why does the messenger not reach romeo in time? A market street in Mantua: Enter ROMEO. Notinterrupt him no matter what. Why has Romeo come to the tomb? Romeo is saying goodbye to Balthasar as though he will never see him again (which he won't), and Balthasar, a good servant, says to himself, "For all this same, I'll hide me hereabout: / His looks I fear, and his intents I doubt" (5.3.43-44). Deliver it to my father early in the morning. Act 5 Scene 3. 9. Romeo & Juliet “ Act 5” Study Guide 1. 7. Romeo tells Balthasar he just wants to see Juliet’s face again and get the ring, but in fact he has a vial of poison to kill himself. he tells romeo that juliet is dead. 2. foreshadow. As he is dying, Paris asks to be laid next to Juliet. 6. What news does Balthasar bring Romeo? Why didn't Friar John deliver the letter He didn't want to aid in a deception. [He takes them from BALTHASAR] Now, take this letter. The dream both foreshadows the ending and suggests that greater forces – perhaps the “plague” that Mercutio tried to bring forth – have come together to ensure a tragic ending. He obtains a poison. Balthasar gives the Prince the letter Romeo had previously written to his father. What news does Balthasar bring to Romeo? If I may trust the flattering truth of sleep. I dare not, sir My master knows not but I am gone hence;... 11. 4.what does Romeo find when he enters the tomb? 7. He uses peaceful imagery like "her immortal part with angels lives" in order to soften the news of her death. Why does Romeo have trouble getting the poison? From whom does Romeo hear that Juliet is dead? 3. Balthasar reached Romeo with Juliet's fake death when the letter to Romeo saying that she isn't dead never even reached him. What does Balthasar suggest to Romeo? Home Romeo and Juliet Q & A What does Romeo give to Balthasa... Romeo and Juliet What does Romeo give to Balthasar? Resolved to find her and join her in death, Romeo first visits an apothecary and bribes him to obtain an illegal (and lethal) poison. 4. Note the description of Romeo as "pale and wild." What does Balthasar’s response suggest that he is doing? Balthasar. what is Balthasar's advice to Romeo? V,3,3247. Why does Romeo go to the apothecary? Romeo persuades the apothecary to sell him poison by Offering money that the apothecary desperately needs. 6. Why does the apothecary sell Romeo the poison? How is this an example of verbal irony? 1. He says that "nothing can be ill, if she be well", meaning that none of the other news is as important. Romeo. 100. What actions does Balthasar’s news prompt Romeo to do? Does he consider his options or plunge 4. Scene 2 1. Who did Friar Laurence send to Mantua to inform Romeo of Juliet’s plan? He goes to find an apothecary, a seller of drugs. Warhammer II. How does Juliet arrange to meet Romeo? Paris comes forward and tries to arrest Romeo. help please. What has happened to the friar’s courage and ability to remain calm? What actions does Balthasar’s news prompt Romeo to do? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Romeo dreamed that Juliet’s kiss saved him from death. How did Balthasar come by this news? %PDF-1.3 5.why does Paris think Romeo has come to the tomb? [Takes them from BALTHASAR] 25 Hold, take this letter. V,3,3084. 27. What news does the Nurse bring and how does Romeo receive it? Want to read all 4 pages? 6. Balthasar doesn'twant to tell because he doesn't want to break Romeo’s heart. 7. Why? 3. Settra does not swerve! 1, Lines 34–57: Explain what Romeo means in line 34. Why? You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. What might be foreshadowed by these details? As Balthasar gives Romeo news of Juliet, what news is Romeo waiting for? He arrives with news of Juliet's death. Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet had just died and that he saw the Capulets at her funeral. 5. What does Romeo decide to do immediately after hearing this news? What does Friar Laurence need a crowbar for? [He takes the torch from BALTHASAR] By your life, I command that no matter what you hear or see, you stay away, and do not interrupt me in my actions. (FTLN2750-2756) 2. 9. Friar Laurence. What plan does the Friar suggest to Romeo? The dramatic irony of these lines lay in the phrase ‘joyful news‘ and ‘breathed such life with kisses in my lips/ That I revived and was an emperor‘, also in the fact that he was actually found dead by Juliet herself and wasn’t revived back to life at all. How does he know he can get what he needs from this particular apothecary? ... What does Friar Lawrence suggest they do with her? Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the tomb to look at Juliet and to remove from "her dead finger a precious ring." Act 3, Scene 4 &5 1. Scene 2: 4. He orders him not to show friendship. She is heartbroken that romeo was exiled. After telling the man in the shop that he looks poor, Romeo offers to pay him well for a vial of poison. Why does Paris think Romeo is there? Give me the pickax and the crowbar. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. What does Romeo plan to do as soon as he hears about Juliet’s death? If Balthasar doesn’t follow Romeo’s instructions, what will Romeo do? 3. Sc. Asked by Casey C #444753 on 6/2/2015 2:26 AM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 6/2/2015 2:38 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. Sc. 5. Go with me to the vault. How is Friar Lawrence’s late arrival another example of chance contributing to this tragedy? How did Balthasar come by this news? Paris suspects that Romeo has arrived at the tomb to defile the bodies of Juliet and Tybalt. As I did sleep under this yew-tree here, I dreamt my master and another fought,... 12. 10. 8. Is Balthasar the correct messenger? In act 5, scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Balthasar brings his master, Romeo, the terrible news of Juliet's death. Scene iii 1. Once Balthasar is gone, Romeo says that he will lie with Juliet that night. The apothecary is poor, nearly starving, he needs the money. 1, Lines 34–57: Explain what Romeo means in line 34. Answered by Aslan on 5/22/2012 11:06 PM He tells Romeo to CALM DOWN and not be so rash and impulsive, I … How much does Romeo offer for the poison? The apothecary because he wants to buy a poison to kill himself What is Romeo looking for? Romeo sends Balthasar away with a letter for Romeo's father, then starts to open the tomb. 1.why is Paris at the tomb? Friar Laurence. What is Romeo looking for? m���YQ��L�t��Fd&:�,t��@Ya�0P9�y_����.����J��_���w�n��_̳����y��lW��s�*d��x|}�ڼ�}�����y����|�{?�l���.�W��Łcݘ�ȱ3uﭧ* ��X�9��w��R�j���leڡ�i�l!�;M�/s���kiO�Ǎ�0d�mn�]��-Һ�JӬ:�"��:�m7��(�*JÛWfu����w�Nwo?�:�7�1/sB��3 ˲G|��a�n��7�. ACT V, SCENE II. Last updated by jill d #170087 on 6/2/2015 2:47 AM Romeo and Juliet What does Friar Lawrence suggest they do with her? Romeo repeats the news because he cares about Juliet. What does Balthasar suggest to Romeo? 3. (FTLN2804-2816) 3. Romeo repeats his request for news of Juliet twice because it is the most important question for him. • Last updated by jill d #170087 on 6/2/2015 2 :50 AM Romeo and Juliet What happened to Romeo's mother? What remedy does Benvolio suggest for Romeo's problem? Asked by Casey C #444753 on 6/2/2015 2:26 AM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 6/2/2015 2:38 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. What does Balthasar suggest to Romeo? Why does Romeo repeat his request for news of Juliet twice? In act 5, scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Balthasar brings his master, Romeo, the terrible news of Juliet's death. Romeo and Juliet. Balthasar says he is not, and Romeo sends his servant on his way. 26. 200. Who tells the story of the events to the prince. Balthasar, an alternate form of the Babylonian king Belshazzar, mentioned in the Book of Daniel As Balthasar gives Romeo news of Juliet, what news is Romeo waiting for? verbal irony? Balthazar (given name), including a list of persons with the name Biblical. To buy poison so he can kill himself. Get an answer for 'What does Lady Capulet think is wrong with Juliet in Act 3, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? ' 2. Stay, then; I'll go alone. What actions does Balthasar’s news prompt Romeo to do? Early in the morning See thou deliver it to my lord and father. After hearing the news, where does Romeo plan to go? Title: Lesson 1 Discussion Questions Author: PCG Education Subject V,3,3092. he tells balthasar to leave or he will be punished and then gives him money as a thanks. %��������� Balthasar is trying to avoid giving Romeo the news. 3. 4. ... What does Romeo order Balthasar not to do? Romeo. Romeo tells Balthasar that he is going into the crypt, and orders Balthasar not to … 5. Why must Romeo repeat his request for news of Juliet twice? as far as i can remember, romeo gives balthasar a letter to deliver to romeos father, montague. then I defy you, stars! Balthasar withdraws, but, mistrusting his master’s intentions, lingers to watch. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. What does Romeo order Balthasar not to do? Paris: Romeo and _____ arrive, and Paris tries to restrain Romeo, who is focused on breaking into the tomb. ROMEO. Full half an hour. 7.what does Paris do to provoke Romeo 8.explain what finally happens to Romeo … Balthasar's response suggests that he's trying to make the news easier for Romeo to handle. ... What news does Balthasar bring Romeo? 2. Scene 2. 3. does Balthasar disobey Romeos orders? Balthazar's full Estalia speech copypasta . Sc. he takes care of a sick child. What does Romeo mean when he says, “Then I defy you, stars!”? What does Balthasar's response suggest that he is doing? Quiz Answers. 4. 4. 5. Act 5 Scene 1. When they arrive at Juliet’s tomb, Balthasar realizes that Romeo wants to be alone. Why does Romeo decide to go? What does Balthasar’s response suggest that he is doing? How does she end up killing herself? Romeo and Balthasar enter with torches, a pickax, and a crowbar. Asked by Casey C #444753 on 6/2/2015 2:13 AM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 6/2/2015 2:15 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. V,3,3092. What does romeo do after he is told that Juliet is dead? Why does Juliet get mad at Romeo? How did Balthasar come by this news? She takes a dagger and stabs herself. What news does Balthasar bring Romeo? Answered by jill d #170087 on 6/2/2015 2:15 AM Romeo immediately orders Balthasar to prepare a horse so he can rush to Verona and see Juliet's body. Romeo takes the ax and crowbar and gives Balthasar a letter, which he orders him to bring to Montague early the next morning. 6. Balthasar, a friend of Romeo’s, brings him news that Juliet is dead and lies in the Capulet tomb. Once Balthasar is gone, Romeo gives Balthasar a letter to deliver to Montague the letter to Balthasar ] me... 239251 on 5/22/2012 11:06 PM Answers 1 Add Yours s plan, collapses into despair buys... / end up … what does Capulet tell Paris he will have to do immediately after this. S response suggest that he is not, sir, have patience: Your looks are and! “ Thy lips are warm! ” ( 5.3.167 ) Speaker: Meaning what! 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